Ocean Vuong

"Writing your own story is perhaps the truest enactment of the American dream." Today on the B&N Podcast, we're talking with Ocean Vuong, the author of the remarkable new novel On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. It's the debut work of fiction from a writer already celebrated for his work as a poet, but this poignant novel, written in the form of a young man's letter to his mother, has captivated readers and critics, making it one of the most talked-about books of 2019. He joined B&N's Miwa Messer for a conversation about this unique story of family, loss, survival, and falling in love.

Om Podcasten

We're no longer producing new episodes of this show, but you can find us now at Poured Over on Apple Podcasts. Every author has a story beyond the one that they put down on paper. The Barnes & Noble Podcast goes between the lines with today's most interesting writers, exploring what inspires them, what confounds them, and what they were thinking when they wrote the books we’re talking about.