Tea Obreht

Today on the B&N Podcast, the author of the critically acclaimed debut novel The Tiger's Wife joins us to talk about her new book, Inland, which brings together two stories set in 19th century Texas and Arizona to produce a braided tale as rich and strange as the landscape in which it unfolds. As in The Tiger's Wife, Obreht has fused history, myth and a sense of enchantment, but Inland fully embraces the form of the Western and invites readers to sit down by the campfire for a story of privation and survival, immigrant dreams and American illusions, ghosts and money, camels and murder. Tea Obreht sat down with B&N's Miwa Messer in our studio to talk about her epic new novel.

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We're no longer producing new episodes of this show, but you can find us now at Poured Over on Apple Podcasts. Every author has a story beyond the one that they put down on paper. The Barnes & Noble Podcast goes between the lines with today's most interesting writers, exploring what inspires them, what confounds them, and what they were thinking when they wrote the books we’re talking about.