Parenting before the Parenting

In the early days of my motherhood journey, I stood on the bank of a river one day, and I fell into crisis. How am I going to do this? I wondered.  How am I not going to screw this royally up? How was I going to parent my children in a different way to how I was parented, when I didn't know how? I didn't know the way. How was I going to break a cycle of trauma I was barely even aware existed? It was a true crisis that brought me to a threshold of initiation - a threshold of initiation that was leading me back to myself as the source and the starting point for how I was going to do what felt like the impossible to do.  It's the internal work that becomes all the alchemy we need to do what we fear we can't.  And doesn't this feel like the essence of truth? That when we heal ourselves, that well-being ripples out into our relationships, and the parenting that comes from well-being knows what the way.  It know what to do.  

I have some exciting opportunities to work together that you can learn more about at my website:

Come view the podcast show notes here.  

Om Podcasten

Parenting can lead us to a threshold in life we hadn’t known before. We're bringing into the parenting dynamic with our kids the momentum of our previous experiences - our resources and resilience, as well as our disconnection and disembodiment due to trauma (individual, familial, cultural, historical & intergenerational).  Beyond the challenges we face to parent in ways we may not have been parented, there is a deep love for our children that wants to be expressed and known in presence with them. There's also a yearning in us to experience that deep love ourselves; to feel our power and to live authentically, just as we yearn to protect that for our kids, too. The urgency to heal what's still alive within us might come up with a force because of them, and yet it's ultimately a reclamation of our life force, vitality, joy, connection and creativity we're most hungry for. It’s sometimes a desire bold as love that fuels our courage to meet what we fear to face.