2022 Year in Review

Hello, this is our last episode of the year. We made it! This Year in Review is much like the ones from past years, we go over what we did, what we accomplished, any surprising trends we noticed, and have some fun with picking superlatives.  If you want to read along with The Bookstore Challenge 2023, you can find Instagram graphics for your story or grid in this Google Drive folder. You can also join us on The StoryGraph, The Bookstore Challenge 2023. Next time we will be discussing Maud Martha by Gwendolyn Brooks. This book is out of print (CORRECTION: out of print in the US), but hopefully you can find it at your local library, used bookstore, or order from a UK bookstore! Website | Patreon

Om Podcasten

It's like a book club, but we actually read the book. Join hosts Becca and Corinne as they recreate their days working and hanging out at their local independent book store.