Crossing the Chasm Between Markets and Meaning with Geoffrey Moore (Part One)

Buckle up for an electrifying conversation with Geoffrey Moore, the guru behind seminal works like Crossing the Chasm and Inside the Tornado. Drawing on decades advising leading companies, Moore downloads his wealth of wisdom about navigating disruptive innovations and bridging the chasm between early adopters and the mainstream market. You'll get a masterclass in Moore's pioneering frameworks for technology adoption lifecycles, spotting tectonic market shifts, and leveraging disruptions. Whether you lead a startup or a giant enterprise, this episode will rewire your perspective. You'll gain invaluable principles and mental models applicable to business today and the deeper meaning we seek. Join Greg for an exhilarating tour through the remarkable mind of Geoffrey Moore.

Om Podcasten

The Startup Science Podcast, hosted by Gregory Shepard, and produced by ForbesBooks, focuses on conversations in the cross-section of foundership and investing and features best-selling authors like Oren Klaff (Pitch Anything & Flip the Script), David Allen (Getting Things Done), and David Covey COO of FranklinCovey and author of Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success. Investing giants like Tim Draper, Leaders like NBA Coach Phill Weber, and newly exited founders like you. With a focus on the common mistakes founders make, perspectives from investors, and founder’s tools, tips, and tactics. Conversations are real, honest, and unfiltered to expose the realities of early-stage while encouraging entrepreneurship with motivational stories and optimistic viewpoints.