Episode 105 – My 4 Favorite Ways to Prep Your Brand for a Pivot

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Brand Strategy Podcast where we are diving into all things pivoting in your business. We’re talking about what pivoting means, what it looks like and my four favorite ways to prepare your brand for a big pivot. Inside my 6-month mastermind program, the Heartfelt Brand Society, the topic of “pivoting” is a big thing we all seem to have in common. So with that, I wanted to dive deeper into what pivoting your brand actually looks like. My four favorite ways to prep your brand for a pivot 2:00 – Pivoting: the change of direction within your business. I mean, that makes sense right? Because as entrepreneurs the longer we are in business, the more we become aware of what we like to do, what we are good at, and so on. 2:40 – Sometimes that means that what you started doing isn’t what you want to be doing in the long run. As entrepreneurs we have the opportunity to build the types of businesses that we want to run and love. So it’s up to us to decide what we move forward with and what we don’t. #1 – PERMISSION 3:40 – My first way to prep your brand for a pivot is to give yourself the permission to go through this change. I know, this sounds simple, but you wouldn’t believe how many creatives I’ve spoken to that deep down in their hearts have this dream for growth, but they don’t believe they can do it because someone else in the industry is doing it already and they don’t feel like they have permission to do it too. 5:00 – I think one of the most common ways we unintentionally kill our own dreams is when we don’t give ourselves the permission to chase after them in the first place. So here is your permission slip to go through the pivot. Go after this change. Chase after this bright, brilliant, shiny new thing that excites you. #2 – HEART CENTERED 6:18 – My second favorite way to prepare your brand and business for this change is to build a brand that is centered on the heart of your work. Oh this is a good one. In this episode I dive into why boxing yourself into one specific product or client unintentionally leaves you with no room to grow. If you want to serve maybe a slightly different audience or offer a different service, then your brand needs to reflect that. 7:50 – It actually all comes back to the “why” behind your work. Using the media player above listen in to my solution on how to build a brand that is centered more on the heart of your work in order to pivot in the long run. #3 – EDUCATE 9:10 – The third way to prep your brand for a pivot is to educate your audience about the intention behind your pivot. You have to give your audience an idea of why these changes are even taking place. Share your excitement for the future of your brand and how this will impact their lives. By doing this, they can give you grace through these pivots. When you educate them with what changes are coming and why, you are allowing your audience to step alongside your business journey and share in on this excitement of growth too. #4 – LONG RUN THINKING

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The Brand Strategy Podcast is a show created to equip you with the inspiration, encouragement, and clarity you need to build the brand of your dreams with purpose and intention. From sustainable strategy to heartfelt encouragement, each episode is designed to equip you with the tools you need to chase after your dreams. Because you deserve a brand that empowers you to do what you love, serve the clients you dream of working with, and experience a deep sense of fulfillment along the way! So get comfy, grab a mug of coffee or your favorite beverage, and join host Bonnie Bakhtiari as we explore what it takes to build a truly strategic, heartfelt brand!