Episode 130: 3 Self-Limiting Mindsets Keeping You from Your Next 6-Figure Year

If you’ve been around her for a while, you’ve heard me talk about my belief in defining your definition of success. And although today we are diving into a conversation all about self-limiting mindsets and hitting your first six-figure year, I want to first talk about YOUR definition of success. Maybe hitting six figures isn’t your goal. For you, maybe that doesn’t fit into what success looks like in your life. And that is okay. The beautiful thing about being your own boss and running your own business is that YOU get to determine what those metrics are that define the success you’re chasing after.  Say success to you looks like chasing after six- or seven-figure dreams and building a massive empire. Or maybe, success looks like working three days a week and supporting other small business owners. Whatever success is to you, I’m over here in Waco cheering you on and fully supporting you on your journey. THE THREE SELF-LIMITING MINDSETS Before diving into this conversation about some common and pervasive self-limiting beliefs that could be standing in your way of making that happen for yourself I wanted to share a little disclaimer. At the end of the day, YOU get to choose what definition of success you’re chasing after. Success can be whatever sets your heart on fire. In today’s episode we’re diving into the self-limiting mindsets that are holding you back from hitting that big, beautiful goal. If six figures isn’t your goal, replace that concept with whatever goal you’re dreaming of because self-limiting mindsets are so sneaky to all of us no matter what success looks like to us. So friend, grab a cup of coffee, hit play on the media player above and let’s dive in! PROFIT IS GREEDY Often times, the first limiting belief I hear from my six-month group coaching students inside the Heartfelt Brand Society is this idea that their definition of success or big, beautiful goal they are chasing after feels greedy. Friend, if you’re believing your goal is greedy, then you’re going to struggle to make it happen because whether you realize it or not, you’re telling yourself this goal you’re chasing after is immoral. I want to challenge you. At the end of the day, if our businesses aren’t profitable, then you’re running a very expensive hobby. Instead, I want to challenge you to view profit as a tool. Think of it this way. If you’re able to earn more, you’re able to do more good in your life and the life of those around you.  So let’s reframe your mindset. Profit does not equal greed because profit is a tool that allows you to better provide for your family and others. YOU MUST DO #ALLTHETHINGS Don’t buy into this mentality that you have to do #allthethings in order to hit your goals. When we are pulled in a million different directions, we’re spreading ourselves so thin. Ultimately, this leads us to not give our time and energy where we give best AND where you are most profitable. If you’re only pouring a small percentage of your energy into your highest revenue, how are you ever going to expect to see a massive return? How will you earn more if you’re constantly taking your time and your energy away from those big money makers that already exist within your business?

Om Podcasten

The Brand Strategy Podcast is a show created to equip you with the inspiration, encouragement, and clarity you need to build the brand of your dreams with purpose and intention. From sustainable strategy to heartfelt encouragement, each episode is designed to equip you with the tools you need to chase after your dreams. Because you deserve a brand that empowers you to do what you love, serve the clients you dream of working with, and experience a deep sense of fulfillment along the way! So get comfy, grab a mug of coffee or your favorite beverage, and join host Bonnie Bakhtiari as we explore what it takes to build a truly strategic, heartfelt brand!