Episode 151 : Finding the Courage and Confidence to Start Your Freelance Career with Neo Khama
Taking your side hustle full-time can be intimidating. Many freelancers struggle to get over the hurdles and fears that come with making their side hustle a career. Neo Khama joins us in a discussion on finding the courage and confidence to start your freelance career as a designer. Listen in as she shares her journey to going full-time in her design business and how she overcame the fears that held her back. If you’re not being challenged in a healthy way, what’s the point of staying with it. Pursue the Side Hustle You’ve likely started your side hustle due to a hobby you’ve become passionate about. If you’re ready to take this dream and turn it into a full-time career, now is the time to think through what pursuing your side hustle could look like. Think through why you love what you do, if you’re good at it, and what running your business means. If you’re unsure of where to start, that’s natural. As a designer, there is a standard growth pattern, it typically involves initial growth in your business, followed by a plateau, and a dip. This is natural and isn’t something to be concerned by. The real test comes from growing out of that dip and creating success in your business. Facing Burnout As you learn more about the projects you love to work on and the projects you hate to work on, you’ll likely face burn out. Typically, designers face burnout because of one simple reason: Designers will say yes to everything out of fear of losing clients. This mentality can only lead to burnout. Not only will you suffer as a result of not working on projects you’re passionate about, but your clients will suffer because you’re not giving them the dedicated time their project deserves. Focus on what you love and create boundaries out of respect for yourself. If you’re in a place of always saying yes just to get clients, it’s time to find confidence and courage in your business. Here’s a challenge for you:1. Be courageous enough to say no.2. Raise your pricing to reflect your value. CATCH THE SHOW NOTE BREAKDOWN Get to Know Neo (2:28) How Neo Got Into Branding (5:02) Taking the Leap Into Freelance (8:58) Challenges Neo Experienced in Getting Started (15:05) Mindset Shifts (19:04) Encouragement (23:22) RESOURCES MENTIONED neokhama.com FOLLOW ALONG Brand Strategy Podcast Instagram Pinterest Leave a Review! LIKE THE SHOW? IN ORDER TO PROVIDE CONTENT YOU LOVE I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!