Episode 160: How to Leverage Intentional PR to Grow Your Brand and Deepen Your Impact with Tiffany Eurich
Would you consider your brand a best kept secret for your town, or even your niche? Being a best kept secret is a wonderful compliment, but a terrible business model. In this episode of The Brand Strategy Podcast, Tiffany Eurich joins us to discuss how to leverage intentional PR to grow your brand and deepen your impact. Follow along as she walks us through developing a simple system to secure PR for your brand. “Being a best kept secret is a wonderful compliment, but a terrible business model.“ The Four Components of a Communications Strategy When we look at your communications strategy, we get this vary fragmented idea that one platform is our strategy. Platforms—like Instagram, Facebook, Newspaper, etc.—are considered tactics. Building out a full communications strategy involves looking at all of the different tactics and using them at the right time to do what you want. Let’s review the four components of a communications strategy: Paid, Shared, Owned, and Earned. Paid Media – Buying advertising space. Shared Media – You create the content, but don’t control the platform. Owned Media – Where you create and control the content. Earned Media – Publicity and media coverage. Publicity is free, but you’re not guaranteed to get it. Publicity shouldn’t cost you a penny, but it’s a component to your communications strategy that will require a little work. That work pays off big time, though, as publicity is unlimited in reach. Consider this: You take your brand and hook it to an organization who is trying to get their content out to as many people as possible for as long as possible. They need content, so you provide it, then they’ll make sure they’re distributing it to an unlimited reach for as long as it’s performing well. Their content drives their business, and as long as the content you’ve provided is well thought out, it should do it’s job. Publicity offers high quality visibility and credibility of your brand out to the people who need to know about it. Misconceptions About Getting Publicity I don’t have enough followers or business to get publicity. Actually, you’re right where you need to be. This common misconception is the furthest thing from the truth. When you’re in the early stages of your business or growth, you have the opportunity to set up a simple system in order to get the publicity you need. This is where you learn to plan for a play the long game. How to Land Publicity The simple answer? Do the work. Take time to research and reach out to media professionals who cover similar stories to what you do and sell. Then, offer them high value content that will promote your business while entertaining their audience. Remember Your L.I.N.E.S. There are a few L.I.N.E.S to consider when planning for your PR debut. Let’s review them: Local – The locality of your brand. Impact – The impact your service has on your customers. New – New, innovative, or disruptive. Expertise – What you’re knowledgeable in. Seasonal – Dealing with timeframes.