Episode 166: How I Create Three Months of Content in Four Simple Steps
I’m a big fan of batching my work—this is not different when if comes to creating content for my brand. I plan out a full three months of content at a time based on my goals per quarter. In today’s episode of the Brand Strategy Podcast, I’m sharing how I create three months of content in four simple steps! Listen in as I describe how I approach and plan a quarter’s worth of weekly blog posts, podcast episodes, social media content, and newsletters while keeping my big picture goals in mind. Where do you want to go and how can your content get you there? Assess Your Goals Creating content on a quarterly basis requires you to understand your goals. If your plan doesn’t fit into your goals, you’re wasting your time. Every year I set aside time for annual planning—it’s helpful to map out your quarterly goals from a big picture view, then focus in on each quarter. When you do the goal setting before planning your content creation, you’re setting yourself up for success, as your content will support your goals! Add it to the Calendar It’s important to set aside time and know what you’re going to promote. When you already have content coming out a specific days of the week, it’s easy to market and build out your social content. For example, in my business I know that I’ll be releasing a new blog every Tuesday and a new podcast every Thursday. For my content creation to be successful, I need to plan ahead for each piece of content over the next quarter. Tackle Content Creation on a Quarterly Basis Why do I look at a quarterly basis? It’s important to look at the big picture. When looking at my annual plan, I have already mapped out what my quarterly goals are and the services I want to push during each quarter. As I map out what each piece of content looks like, I can easily do it with those overall goals in mind, then simply batch my content creation to match. Write Your Content Out Here’s where the real work comes in—content creation—but if you’ve followed the steps above, it’s much easier than going in without a plan. Now is the time to write out all of your captions, identify the photos you’ll use, outline podcast episodes, etc. Creation is key in this step. Additionally, it’s important to take a look at this content on a monthly basis to ensure your goals haven’t shifted since it was created. Resources Mentioned Asana.com FOLLOW ALONG Brand Strategy Podcast Instagram Pinterest Leave a Review! LIKE THE SHOW? IN ORDER TO PROVIDE CONTENT YOU LOVE I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!