Episode 183: Using Pinterest to Inspire Deeper Connection with Your Ideal Audience with Christina Willis

Are you using Pinterest for your business to connect with like-minded creatives? Pinterest can be used for more than just decor inspiration and meal planning! Christina Willis joins us to discuss how you can market your business, serve your audience, and encourage deeper connections with your audience through Pinterest. Listen in as she shares how brand strategy plays into your Pinterest plan, plus highlights the common mistakes entrepreneurs are making on Pinterest! Christina works with creative female entrepreneurs who see the value and potential of Pinterest marketing to tap into a new audience that aligns with their goals of authentic growth, connection and organic sales. Pinterest allows you to drive traffic to your website, landing page, or product page on autopilot without the cost of ads or the constant upkeep of other social media platforms. Christina wants your business to thrive in the online space, that’s why I’ve made it my mission to help you feel empowered and use the power of Pinterest to scale & grow, connect & convert so you can make that money, hunny! Connecting With Your Audience on Pinterest If you’re an introvert, connecting with your audience can feel inauthentic and hard. That’s when Christina found a way to develop connections through Pinterest by connecting with her audience through her email newsletter. Pinterest is a place for inspiration and discovery, which encourages you to connect with others on the platform who are creating and pinning the content that resonates with you. Additionally, you don’t have to drive the connection online 24/7 like many of the other platforms require. You can set up your strategy, let it do it’s work, then drive them to connect with you through your website on your own time. Building a Brand Strategy to Drive Your Pinterest Plan While you can absolutely focus on the keywords and keyword planning for the SEO aspect of Pinterest, there’s an important aspect of brand strategy that plays a role in your Pinterest plan. A brand strategy can help you figure out who your audience is and what they’re searching for so you’re more easily optimizing those keywords, rather than just planning based on your content or what you think your audience may be looking for. If you’re just getting started with Pinterest, the keywords, captions, and call-to-actions can feel overwhelming for the average entrepreneur that doesn’t focus on Pinterest. In utilizing a brand strategy on your Pinterest plan, it help drive most of those components and writes them for you! Ideal Client Personas In developing this strategy for Pinterest, you have to take off your expertise hat for whatever it is that you’re marketing. Think about your ideal audience, where they’re at in life, what are their pain points—now step into their shoes. What are they searching and how can your content serve them? Pinterest is a platform based on discovery—so you have to meet them where they are in their phase of discovery. Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make on Pinterest If your goal of marketing on Pinterest includes creating a connection, there may be a few mistakes you’re making when it comes using Pinterest for your business. Mistake 1. Thinking of Pinterest as Social Media (It’s not, it’s a search engine.) When we try too hard to create a connection, we are going to start missing out on the purpose of Pinterest,

Om Podcasten

The Brand Strategy Podcast is a show created to equip you with the inspiration, encouragement, and clarity you need to build the brand of your dreams with purpose and intention. From sustainable strategy to heartfelt encouragement, each episode is designed to equip you with the tools you need to chase after your dreams. Because you deserve a brand that empowers you to do what you love, serve the clients you dream of working with, and experience a deep sense of fulfillment along the way! So get comfy, grab a mug of coffee or your favorite beverage, and join host Bonnie Bakhtiari as we explore what it takes to build a truly strategic, heartfelt brand!