Episode 184: The Difference Between Rebranding and a Brand Refresh

Does your brand need a little sprucing up? Maybe something in your brand just isn’t clicking anymore. Maybe you feel like you’ve outgrown your brand. That might mean it’s time for a rebrand or a brand refresh! Let’s discuss the differences in a rebrand and a refresh, how to know which to choose, and how to communicate it with your audience! Plus, we’ll even share how you can audit your own brand each year to decide if it’s still serving you well. Rebrand vs. Brand Refresh If you’re feeling a disconnect in your brand, it could be time to completely scrap it—but you also have the option to simply refresh it. Let’s take a look at the difference. Rebrand: Creating all brand new designs, offering a blank slate for you. Brand Refresh: Changing certain elements of your brand to better serve your business, without scrapping everything. Oftentimes, we go through a rebrand when in reality, we loved certain elements of our brand so we just needed a refresh. So if you’re feeling this way about your brand, which one better serves you? Communicating Your Brand’s Growth & Changes with Your Audience Something that is really important in deciding if you need a rebrand or a brand refresh is understanding the why behind the changes. Are you changing because you feel a disconnect, you’re changing your name, is your audience shifting, or maybe your services are shifting. If you have an existing audience, you may want to take them on the rebrand or refresh journey with you, as to not confuse them when you’re officially rebranded. Not only for the sake of clarity, but your audience will be invested in the change and will want to know all about the progress along the way. You don’t have to spill everything to your audience, but think about it in terms of sharing the growth of your business and how that impacts your decision to rebrand or refresh your brand. How can you educate your clients on what’s coming, how it’s coming, and why it’s coming? Audit Your Brand As a brand, it’s important to audit what represents you, especially as you grow and shift in time. You could do a simple brand audit once or twice a year by asking yourself the following quesitons: Does my website still reflect the level of service and expertise I bring to the table?Does my logo and collateral reflect the expertise I bring to the table?Do I see consistent income from my ideal brand clients? Am I converting my leads?Am I seeing consistent income from my ideal customers? If you’re answering no to any of these questions, then your brand is not doing the heavy lifting that it needs to and it’s time to rebrand or refresh your brand. If you’re ready for a rebrand or a refresh of your brand, B is for Bonnie Design is taking on a limited number of custom branding client projects this year! Head here to learn more about her brand services and inquire on the contact form! RESOURCES MENTIONED Brand Services FOLLOW ALONG

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The Brand Strategy Podcast is a show created to equip you with the inspiration, encouragement, and clarity you need to build the brand of your dreams with purpose and intention. From sustainable strategy to heartfelt encouragement, each episode is designed to equip you with the tools you need to chase after your dreams. Because you deserve a brand that empowers you to do what you love, serve the clients you dream of working with, and experience a deep sense of fulfillment along the way! So get comfy, grab a mug of coffee or your favorite beverage, and join host Bonnie Bakhtiari as we explore what it takes to build a truly strategic, heartfelt brand!