Episode 202: Practicing Work/Life Integrations During Busy Seasons

You may be in one of your busiest seasons, or maybe you’re planning for an upcoming busy season—what measures are you taking to practice work/life integrations? I like to refer to this idea of work/life balance as work/life integration, because it’s hard to really balance it all, but rather integrate them into each other based on the season you’re in. In today’s episode of the Brand Strategy Podcast, I’m sharing four concepts I use to practice work/life integrations, especially during busy season! How to Practice Work/Life Integrations 1. Defining What a Meaningful or Successful Season Looks Like to You How will you define success in a busy season? Do you just want to get through it? Do you want to have certain experiences or hit certain goals? Do you want to make memories with your friends and family? There is no one way to define a meaningful or successful season. It’s a personal decision that is based on your values and what you need in life. In practicing work/life integrations, you’ll want to ensure everything you’re doing to true to the value you hold and the goals you’s setting for yourself. This definition will serve as your internal compass while you make decisions during this busy season. 2. Practice Undercommitting So You Don’t Overcommit In your busiest seasons, it’s important that you aren’t overcommitting. You can do this by creating space on your calendar to block your availability so you’re ensuring you have time off. I’m sharing this concept from personal experience. There was a time when I was overcommitting, not taking care of me, and just allowing my business to run my life. Honestly, it was a miserable time. This impeded my ability to show up as my best and whole self. In times that I find myself beginning to overcommit, I take a few actions: * I ask myself if my priorities still serve me in this season or do I need to reframe my priorities. * I delegate work and ask for help.* Reschedule when needed. 3. Prioritize Your Physical Well-Being From my own personal experience, I know I do my best work when I am my best self—mentally and physically. This could mean getting the water, rest, and nutrition I need. I could also mean ensuring I’m doing things for me to stay healthy in every way. Consider when you’re your best self and what environmental components effect you! 4. The Word No Can Be Your New Best Friend While we as women struggle with sayin no out of fear of being mean, this word isn’t a bad word when it comes to maintaining your well-being. Rather than being liked or popular, no allows you to be respected. Give yourself the permission to say no when you need to. Catch the Show Notes Defining What a Meaningful or Successful Season Looks Like to You () Practice Undercommitting so You Don’t Overcommit (7:12) Prioritize Your Physical Well-Being (16:35) The Word No Can Be Your New Best Friend (20:47) FOLLOW ALONG Brand Strategy Podcast

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The Brand Strategy Podcast is a show created to equip you with the inspiration, encouragement, and clarity you need to build the brand of your dreams with purpose and intention. From sustainable strategy to heartfelt encouragement, each episode is designed to equip you with the tools you need to chase after your dreams. Because you deserve a brand that empowers you to do what you love, serve the clients you dream of working with, and experience a deep sense of fulfillment along the way! So get comfy, grab a mug of coffee or your favorite beverage, and join host Bonnie Bakhtiari as we explore what it takes to build a truly strategic, heartfelt brand!