Episode 225: How to Book an Entire Quarter of Design Work in a Matter of Weeks with Natalia Gaitan
You’ve got the marketing messages in place, you know your ideal clients, but are you connecting with them in a way that has you consistently booking out your quarters? In today’s episode, Natalia Gaitan joins us to chat about how she consistently books out an entire quarter of design work in a matter of weeks. Listen in as she shares what investments she’s made in her business to not only improve her inquiries, but also create a polished client workflow that’s beneficial to both her and her clients! Natalia Gaitan is your design bestie who gets the juggling act of business and parenting. Growing a business and keeping the tiny humans alive is no joke! A fast-talking Colombian who found her way to Texas (it’s a long story), where I’m raising my two daughters and running my business after bedtime—can I get an amen?! After 10 years of designing for global brands, I threw up a peace sign to the corporate world and started this business with a single mission: To equip mompreneurs with high-quality, accessible branding and web design that works 24/7 for their business so they don’t have to. I’ve helped hundreds of women turn their brand vision into a reality. Falling into Entrepreneurship & Finding the Right Clients When COVID-19 hit, Natalia was furloughed from her job. She’d had her side-hustle of web design that she’d worked on for a while, but had never pursued it as a full-time opportunity. After chatting with her husband, Natalia decided that it might be worth taking a leap of faith and going after full-time entrepreneurship. Her next goal was finding the right clients. As Natalia jumped into this new role, she began reaching out to the women she knew best—moms. She began offering her services out to these women, many of who were changing careers during this time and needed help in getting started. Within the first four months, she had seven clients lined up. This success was quickly growing when her corporate job brought back her position. For an entire year, she continued doing her 9-5 job and service her clients after work! Inside of the Brand Strategy School, we talk a lot about defining your own success and what it looks like for you. Natalia took that lesson to heart and defined her own success and went after it. She found her purpose and happiness during her time working with her own clients, so she knew she had to make a decision—that’s when she quit her 9-5. While she may have sacrificed the paycheck of her corporate world, she knew that her business gave her the flexibility she wanted while providing her with happiness in the day-to-day work. Working with Mompreneurs Through finding her ideal clients, Natalia realized that she relates to and works well with mompreneurs. Natalia knows what it takes to be a mom and run a business, so working with other mothers who also know that are the idealistic and dreamy clients she loves to serve. Now, 90% of her clients have become her closest friends. There are so many growing pains in a business, just like in motherhood. When you find someone you can connect with and trust with your business baby, it’s a game-changer. Booking Out A Full Quarter Now, remember that Natalia is still a new entrepreneur and business owner, yet she was able to book out an entire quarter in her business with client work! Natalia attributes a lot of her success in booking out with dream clients to The