Episode 239: Waiting For Clarity In Your Business
Finding clarity in your business when you’re still trying to figure out what that next thing for you is can feel elusive. Not having that clarify is frustrating—I get it. Recently, I’ve been feeling this way about timing, waiting for clarity, and pursuing this journey so that it fits me. In today’s episode, I’m sharing my honest thoughts and my own perspective in hopes that it resonates with you and encourages you. I find that in our industry, we often aren’t talking about the uncomfortable, when sometimes that is what’s needed most. I’m on a mission to normalize those uncomfortable conversations. Waiting For Clarity In Your Business In the last 11 years of entrepreneurship, I’ve found that there is a new level of uncomfortableness that exists in every stage of business. We don’t always know what that looks like and sometimes we’re in a waiting period of figuring out what that is. Have you ever been in a place of awaiting clarity, yet that clarity isn’t coming to you? I’m there too. If you’re anything like me, you’re quick to act on an idea, which offers fast feedback because you’re intentionally acting upon it. When you don’t have clarity in what your next action should be, it’s hard to take any action, right? This isn’t a race. This is your reminder that you’re not in a race. Our time in whatever journey we’re on is the right time. Our journey is unique. You don’t have to be on the same journey as anyone else. What’s meant for you, will not pass you. The clarity that you’re seeking is coming to you, yet you may still be becoming the person you’re supposed to be in that next phase. For now, you can carry yourself with extra grace and remind yourself that you are able to ground yourself in the comfort that you’re getting there. I know I’m not the only person feeling this way. The depiction of constant moving, growing, and exploring in your business isn’t sustainable. Join me in the in-between season. This summer, I’ve been sharing more and more about my personal growth and the next season I’ll be stepping into, because I want to normalize the awkwardness of the in-between seasons. If you’re there too, I’m glad you’ve joined me. While we may not have all of the answers, we will figure it out in the right timing. FOLLOW ALONG Brand Strategy Podcast Instagram Pinterest Leave a Review! LIKE THE SHOW? IN ORDER TO PROVIDE CONTENT YOU LOVE I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRAND STRATEGY PODCAST AND LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW HERE.