ALL IN: Developing the Mindset, Commitment, and Intangibles of a Servant Leader with Liberty University Basketball Superstar and Team Captain, Kyle Rode, Ep. 135

There’s no doubt that talent will help you in your endeavors, but it will only take you so far. I’ve heard it said that talent is the cheapest thing you will ever possess in this life. Therefore, it’s imperative to also learn and implement the INTANGIBLES such as patience, perspective, perseverance, passion, and presence. Interestingly enough, all of these characteristics and qualities seem to be found at the heart of what it means to be a servant leader. Joining us today to discuss this very topic of servant leadership and possessing the intangibles is Liberty University Basketball Superstar and Team Captain, Kyle Rode. Kyle has been known for his leadership throughout his collegiate basketball career thanks to his unwavering discipline, mentality, and selflessness. This is a guy who has consistently displayed what it looks like to put your wants and desires aside if it does not align with what’s best for the team. Thankfully, today we get to glean from his wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and experience as to what breads winning cultures, marriages, and more - prioritizing SELFLESSNESS & RELATIONSHIP! Mark 10:45 even reminds us, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Not only is this idea of servant leadership biblical, but it can also be applied to your life today! Be sure to tune into today’s episode to find out how!Liberty Basketball Schedule: Follow Kyle on social media HERE: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

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This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!