False Lovers: Overcoming the Grip of Sexual Sin, Addiction, and Shame with Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, and Certified Partner Trauma Therapist, Jim Cress, Ep. 16

There’s no question that sexual sin is something that many struggle with at some point throughout their life. Pornography, premarital sex, extra-marital affairs - they have unfortunately and heart breakingly become too common in our culture and society today. A recent statistic recently projected over 30 million people struggle with problematic sexual behavior, if not addiction - and another stat revealed that over 10 million youth and adolescents regularly view pornography online. Now we understand this is a sensitive topic, but one that needs to be further discussed if we are going to experience freedom from it’s bondage in order to expose this darkness into the light. Joining us today to help us develop a better understanding as to this death trap of a cycle related to sexual sin, shame, and addiction is a man who understands its grip and the path to recovery and sobriety. Today’s guest is renowned faith-based Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT), as well as a man who serves on the Executive Advisory Board here for us at the AACC, Jim Cress. In knowing that the internet has really become the “crack cocaine” for sex addiction, as it allows individuals to remain anonymous, as well as being easily accessible and affordable, we need to continually educate, equip, and encourage individuals as to how they can stay alert and fight back from the strongholds of sin. Our prayer is that this episode would help you find and anchor yourself in the hope of Christ as you begin or continue on a path of healing. Find out more about Jim Cress: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/jim-cress-matthews-nc/267312  Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!