Finding Hope When Life Doesn't Seem Fair with World renowned Speaker & Author, Jennifer Rothschild, Ep. 089

Have you ever just been frustrated with life? Maybe upset with the way life has gone, the pain you’ve had to endure, and the adversity that keeps stacking up which just seems unfair? Today’s Built Different Guest, is no stranger to that very feeling! Our guest today is world renowned speaker, author, and podcast host, who at the age of 15 was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative eye disease that would eventually steal her sight. When I hear Jennifer‘s story, my worldly perspective immediately makes me think that she is someone that has every right to be mad, frustrated, bitter, and disappointed with the life she has been given, but as you hear in and throughout the episode today Jennifer experiences and displays such joy, peace, and a deep love and adoration for the Lord! How you may ask? Well in and throughout this episode what Jennifer helps us understand is that God‘s power is truly made perfect in the midst of our weakness. What we see as obstacles, God sees as opportunities to truly reveal Himself to us! Jennifer reminds us that when asking the questions such as “Why pain? Why blindness? or Why adversity?” We must also ask the questions, “Why grace? Why forgiveness? Why death on the cross for me?” When we understand that God has our best interest in mind and that He is with us and He is for us and if He is for us then who could stand against us, that is when we can truly proclaim and live out the words, “It is well with my soul!” We pray that this episode leaves you encouraged today! Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

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This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!