Greater Joy Twogether: Habits to Create & Deepen an Intentional Love with Pastor, Comedian, and Relationship Expert, Ted Cunningham, Ep. 108
There’s no secret that love and relationships can be hard, difficult, and at times take a lot of work. However, when things get hard, I believe people too often quit or settle for comfort or familiarity. That being said, some of the best advice I’ve ever been given regarding love and relationships came from our guest today, when he reminded me that “What’s natural early on needs to be followed by intentional later on.” Joining us today to discuss this incredible advice is Founding and Lead Pastor of Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, MO, nationally acclaimed speaker, author, comedian, and relationship expert, Ted Cunningham. During this episode, we will be discussing and dissecting 5 practical and intentional steps you can begin taking to finding and fostering the intentional love so many seek yet too often neglect. These steps include: Connection, Communication, Celebration, Confession, and Consistency. Our prayer is that through this episode you would be encouraged to make intentional decisions that would allow the relationships within your life to flourish. Remember, “What’s natural early on, needs to be followed by intentional later on. But when done intentionally, it it can start to feel natural again.” Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at