Impacting Culture: The New Release of Reagan & a Look Behind the Scenes at Dennis Quaid’s Personal Faith & Everyday Life, Ep. 188

There’s no question that we live in unprecedented times. Everywhere one looks, they can easily find division and chaos. However, it was in similar circumstances years ago where a story arose of how one man who overcame the odds, sustained by the love of a woman who supported him in his journey could bring unity and resilience throughout a nation. From 1981 through 1989, Ronald Reagan led a great American comeback. He not only achieved what his critics said would be impossible; he made it seem easy. His leadership transformed a sputtering U.S. economy into a rocket of growth that led to a generation of prosperity. Through it all, he revived America’s spirit, restored our hopes, and strengthened our faith. Thankfully, we get the opportunity of reliving this story of hope and redemption through the big screens as the new film, REAGAN, releases this Friday, August 30th nation wide. Joining us today to not only provide us with insight on this new film, but also give us a glimpse of his personal life and faith is one of the most resounding actors of our day and age, Dennis Quaid! Dennis is an Emmy and Golden Globe nominee best known for his roles in The Rookie, The Day After Tomorrow, The Parent Trap and many more. A household name, his work has spanned multiple generations of beloved films. In addition to acting, Dennis is also a musician, releasing multiple albums and is currently promoting a new Gospel album titled Fallen: A Gospel Record for Sinners. And today, we’re going to be discussing Dennis’s most recent endeavor - staring in the new Film, Reagan…  Dennis said playing Ronald Reagan was one of the greatest honors of his life as he was inspired by the many parallels between each of their lives. I pray this conversation would encourage you as you hear a behind the scenes look into the professional and personal life of one of the world’s favorite actors.   PreOrder Your Ticket to REAGAN today:  Dennis Quaid’s Website:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

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This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!