Making Room for the Miraculous with Lead Pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C. and NY Times Best-Selling Author, Dr. Mark Batterson, Ep. 111
With Easter being a little over a month away, we couldn’t imagine a more perfect guest to share about one of our favorite books he’s written titled The Grave Robber: How Jesus CAN Make Your Impossible Possible. Our guest that will be joining us today for a powerful episode on Making Room for the Miraculous in our own lives is Lead Pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C. and NY Times Best-Selling Author, Dr. Mark Batterson. There’s no question that so many individuals desperately look for God to do a work in their impossible situations. However as Pastor Mark warns us, “We’re not called to seek miracles. We are called to seek Jesus, and if we follow Jesus long enough and far enough, we’ll eventually find ourselves in the middle of some miracles.” Our challenge for you today after listening to this powerful conversation with Pastor Mark is to begin seeing the miraculous in the monotonous, because even if God does nothing else, my friends, He has already done enough! Make room for the Miraculous to show up and show off in your life today! Link to The Grave Robber: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible: Link to Please, Sorry, Thanks: The 3 Words that Change Everything: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at