Stay Here: Uncovering God's Plan to Restore Your Mental Health with author, preacher, Christian content creator, and the founder of the mental health organization Stay Here, Jacob Coyne, Ep. 167

Every forty seconds, someone takes his or her own life. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are at all-time highs--and they're stealing our sons, daughters, friends, and spouses. But that’s why our guest joining us today wants you to hear these words -  Please stay. The world is so much better with you in it. With tender passion and bold hope, our guest today - author, preacher, Christian content creator, and the founder of a mental health organization called Stay Here - Jacob Coyne, wants to use this conversation to infuse life into the dark corners of mental health. Giving hurting souls a reason to live, he shows not only how Jesus brings life to the full, but also how anyone--regardless of their past or pain--can find healing, including how to attack our anxiety and calm our storms; defeat depression and live with a sound mind; overcome intrusive suicidal thoughts and enjoy life; and transform pain, trauma, suicidal thoughts, and addictions into purpose. Remember, it's okay to not be okay--but you don't have to stay that way. It's time to shine the hope of Christ into the darkness and witness His love transform broken souls into living, breathing signs to live.Stay Here’s website: Buy Jacob’s book titled Stay Here:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

Om Podcasten

This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!