Difficulty Getting to Sleep? Try “Serial Diverse Imaging” - a Crafty Way to Trick Your Brain Into Going to Sleep.

Difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep seems to be increasingly common in these pandemic times. Which can not only have a negative on our physical and mental health and ability to learn and improve in the practice room, but can also just be plain annoying and frustrating too. If you're tired of tossing and turning and clock-watching, the serial diverse imaging or "cognitive shuffle" strategy might be worth a try! Difficulty Getting to Sleep? Try “Serial Diverse Imaging” - a Crafty...

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Ever wonder why you can practice for hours, sound great in the practice room, and still be frustratingly hit or miss on stage? Join performance psychologist and Juilliard alumnus/faculty Noa Kageyama, and explore research-based “practice hacks” for beating anxiety, practicing more effectively, and playing up to your full abilities when it matters most.