Regular Bragging vs. Humblebragging: Which Works Better?

Presenting ourselves effectively to others is a really important skill. After all, there are a lot of benefits to being well-liked, and well-respected. But I think we all intuitively know that achieving both likability and respect is kind of a tricky thing. In that bragging might achieve respect, but come at the expense of likability. So what about the humblebrag? Is that a viable way to soften the brag a bit, so as to establish our competence but remain likable? Or is regular old bragging ...

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Ever wonder why you can practice for hours, sound great in the practice room, and still be frustratingly hit or miss on stage? Join performance psychologist and Juilliard alumnus/faculty Noa Kageyama, and explore research-based “practice hacks” for beating anxiety, practicing more effectively, and playing up to your full abilities when it matters most.