The Bunt Ft. Charles Rivard S14 Episode 09 “I want orange top ply”
1. Where’d You Come Up (7:00) 2. First Big Break (9:12) 3. Changing MTL Scene (12:36) 4. Alltimers From The Start (15:02) 5. Stories From The Road (16:50) 6. Classic Grip (19:52) 7. Van Attack In Athens (21:58) 8. BTS High Speed Ollie Line (27:52) 9. BTS Switch Big Flip At Pack (29:40) 10. BTS Drop Ins (31:20) 11. Bixi Bike Story (34:04) 12. Story Behind The Flat Bar (38:16) 13. McDonalds And A Rich Guy (41:40) 14. Hugo Lottery Story (45:12) 15. Olga (47:13) 16. What’s Next? (48:35) 17. Rapid Fire W/ Da Ghost (50:38) 18. Post Office (59:38) 19. The Rundown (1:18:00)