The Bunt Ft. Chris Wimer S17 Episode 06 “Don't take too big of a bite of the apple.”
1. Where’d You Come Up (9:43) 2. First Big Break (11:13) 3. Carnivore Diet (12:47) 4. Davis Gap (19:42) 5. Top 3 Frontside Flippers (29:20) 6. John Allie Influence (31:54) 7. Damn It All Part (34:38) 8. Re-doing Clips (37:50) 9. Old Shoes New Grip (41:32) 10. Day To Day (45:15) 12. Chief Story (54:35) 13. Apple Incident (58:31) 14. What’s Next? (1:01:54) 15. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (1:03:32) 16. Post Office (1:26:24) 17. The Rundown (2:04:48)