The Bunt Ft. Ernie Torres S14 Episode 12 “As long as OKC wins the Chip, I don’t give a damn”
1. Where’d You Come Up (12:13) 2. First Big Break (14:30) 3. Koston Deluxe Tape (17:06) 4. Malto’s Sponsor Me (18:14) 5. Johnny Layton And The Last Trick (20:42) 6. Nollie Back Big Down The Big 4 (27:18) 7. Front Blunts With Darrell (29:30) 8. Darrell’s Call To Jim (32:25) 9. Curtis In The Van (37:04) 10. Since Day One Shared Part (39:15) 11. BTS Nosemanny Nollie Flip Ender (45:15) 12. Little To No Obligations (50:30) 13. Making Out With Vanessa Torres (53:49) 14: Knife Fight In Colorado (56:35) 15. Nosesliding Jt’s Truck (1:01:26) 16. Rolling up To El Toro (1:05:15) 17. Stealing Davis’s Fake ID Back (1:06:28) 18. Fighting Jim Thibault (1:10:00) 19. Getting Into It With Lee Dupont (1:11:05) 20. Adio Christmas Party (1:15:20) 21. Escapist Video (1:17:12) 22. What’s Next? (1:20:42) 23. Rapid Fire W/ Da Ghost (1:22:38) 24. Post Office (1:33:50) 25. The Rundown (2:26:52)