The Bunt Ft. Ish Cepeda S19 Episode 07 “Why the f*** does Shane O’Neill follow me?”
1. Where’d You Come Up (7:32) 2. Skip Or Steven (8:35) 3. First Big Break (9:49) 4. The Night Shift (10:25) 5. Board Sponsor History (12:43) 6. Ronnie Story (16:09) 7. Boss Shane (17:27) 8. Yuto (19:28) 9. BTS Pro Board (23:00) 10. Sky Diving In Vegas (25:12) 11. Vegas High Roller (29:15) 12. No Discipline (30:24) 13. Running Into Ashanti (32:22) 14. Gas Giants (34:13) 15. StreetX Collaboration (36:57) 16. Jiujutsu (39:00) 17. BTS Nollie Frontside Flip Over Rail (39:55) 18. Are You A Heelfliper? (41:30) 19.The Goat Debate (43:29) 20. What’s Next? (45:07) 21. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (47:29) 22. Random Skater Of The Week w/ Davis Torgerson (56:34) 23. Post Office (1:05:50) 24. The Rundown (1:23:17)