The Bunt Ft. Jake Hayes S17 Episode 11 “I went on a New Balance trip and ate a tuna salad .”
1. Where’d You Come Up (6:08) 2. First Big Break (6:50) 3. Moving To The U.S.(7:53) 4. First Baker Trip (10:50) 5. F**ked Up Diet (16:16) 6. Trying Fruit In China (19:24) 7. World Record Ollie (20:56) 8. Kangaroo On Your Car (23:00) 9. Kerry Getz-Like Temper (25:43) 10. Cars And Skating (29:26) 12. Arto Tribute Line (31:10) 13. Deck Collector (34:49) 14. Locked Up (37:40) 15. BTS Funnest Noseblunt (44:51) 16.F**ked Up Foot Cover (47:28) 17. Drinking Piss & Eating Dreads (50:46) 18. Coming Full Circle (53:53) 19. What’s Next? (56:24) 20. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (58:46) 21. Post Office (1:13:43) 22. The Rundown (1:37:37)