The Bunt Ft. James Craig S19 Episode 03 “He’ll make you believe that turd is a piece of gold.”
1. Where’d You Come Up (13:28) 2. First Big Break (15:50) 3. First Contest (18:38) 4. Getting On Blind (22:11) 5. Son Named After You (31:28) 6. Top 3 Weiss Moments (33:31) 7. Towel Boy Situation (37:49) 8. King Of The Road (44:20) 9. BTS Filming For Blind (50:52) 10. Gershon Story (58:20) 11. BTS Switch Hardflip Roof Gap (1:01:31) 12. BTS Backside 360 Heelflips (1:03:50) 13. 411 Checkup (1:08:50) ` 14. Sponsor’s Worst Nightmare (1:13:44) 15. Staying In The Industry (1:17:08) 16. What’s Next (1:20:53) 17. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (1:27:16) 18. Random Skater Of The Week w/ Davis Torgerson (1:39:36) 19. Post Office (1:51:34) 20. The Rundown (2:23:08)