The Bunt Ft. John Fitzgerald S15 Episode 07 “I pissed blood last week”
1. Where’d You Come Up (6:16) 2. First Big Break (10:02) 3. Best And Worst Of One In A Million (11:02) 4. Forrest Edwards Story (14:37) 5. Missing From Strange World (16:15) 6. Pissing Blood (24:28) 7. Riding For Your Dream Brand (25:48) 8. Life Splicing Part (28:00) 9. Changing Of An Era (29:25) 10. Moving To Hockey (31:04) 11. Dealing With ACL (35:30) 12. Shaq Breeched (40:08) 13: Mike Carrol Story (42:45) 14. Staying At John Motta’s House (45:22) 15. Gummi Straws In China (48:04) 16. Pony Wins (49:12) 17. BTS Front Board Hollywood Blvd (50:48) 18. BTS Boardslide On The Double Kink (53:04) 19.What’s Next? (54:23) 20. Rapid Fire W/ Da Ghost (55:10) 21. Post Office (1:01:48) 22. The Rundown (1:42:39)