The Bunt Ft. Kevin Braun S16 Episode 08 “I will never defend the man bun.”
1. Where’d You Come Up (10:40) 2. Fist Big Break (12:17) 3. Low Impact Part (14:00) 4. Pyramid Country Videos (17:35) 5. Santa Cruz Connection (19:32) 6. Underrated (23:02) 7. Hours Is Yours (25:27) 8. Walking Oxymoron (28:19)* 9. L.O.T.R. (31:13) 10. Man Bun (35:18) 12. BTS Dave Abair Slam Bombing (36:28) 13. Working In The Thrasher Warehouse (39:51) 14. Heath At The Berrics (42:00) 15. BTS Kinked Boardslide (46:06) 16. BTS Nollie Heel In Toronto (48:55) 17. What’s Next? (50:50) 18. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (53:57) 19. Post Office (1:03:26) 20. The Rundown (1:37:22)