The Bunt Ft. Kris Brown S16 Episode 02 “You can sell a nut for $38,000”
1. Where’d You Come Up (6:38) 2. First Big Break (7:52) 3. Legendary Philly Skaters (8:48) 4. Philly’s Most Meaningful Trick (9:47) 5. Unconventional Board Sponsor (11:01) 6. One Nut (12:52) 7. Most NBD’s (19:13) 8. Most Impressive Trick (20:16) 9. Shovelling The Spot (20:54) 10. Quartersnacks Contest (23:22) 12. Filming With Bill (26:13)* 13. BLM Protest (27:36)* 14. Sponsorship Dream (37:11)* 15. BTS Bump To Tailslide (38:41)* 16. Leaving FA For Violet (40:30)* 17. Supreme Trips (42:20)* 18. What’s Next? (46:16)* 19. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (48:22)* 20. Post Office (1:05:41) 21. The Rundown (1:26:22)