The Bunt Ft. Lui Elliott S17 Episode 10 “I’m not a big fan of old people.”
1. Where’d You Come Up (8:29) 2. First Big Break (11:59) 3. Moving On (16:27) 4. Ugly Lui (21:21) 5. Skating Events While Covering Them (29:44) 6. Filmer Tension (32:14) 7. Tiago Macba Session (33:18) 8. Most Memorable Trip To Date (35:41) 9. Suitcase Packing Go-To’s (38:45) 10. Top 3 Anime (40:52) 12. 18th Birthday (42:06) 13. Koston’s Birthday (46:02) 14. Run In’s With Tyshawn (51:28) 15. One Inch Away (1:03:15) 16. Aurelien Spill (1:05:03) 17. Better Nose Manny (1:08:29) 18. Another Part (1:11:53) 19. What’s Next? (1:13:28) 20. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (1:18:12) 21. Post Office (1:32:34) 22. The Rundown (1:50:00)