The Bunt Ft. Mark Humienik S15 Episode 05 “This is probably my big break”

1. Where’d You Come Up (8:26) 2. First Big Break (10:21) 3. Kickflip a 10 at 10 (11:25) 4. Film and Edit Master (15:13) 5. Hooking Up With Bronze (17:24) 6. San Fran Trip (18:40) 7. Hooking Up With Politic (24:07) 8. Quasi Making It Official (24:58) 9. Hit By A Car (26:26) 10. Google Maps (33:52) 11. Wakeboarding In Turkey (37:43) 12. It’s Time Edit (40:34) 13: 5 Finger Starbucks Discount (41:44) 14. Banana Diet (44:56) 15. Current State Of Skateboarding (47:50) 16. BTS Noseslide Pop Over (58:38) 17. What’s Next? (54:10) 18. Rapid Fire W/ Da Ghost (56:00) 19. Post Office (1:04:56) 20. The Rundown (1:38:8)

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Covering the latest in skateboarding and sports, The Bunt is a weekly podcast hosted by Cephas Benson and Donovan Jones, with music by Antz One behind the scenes. The show is sure to knock your socks off. Send us questions and comments at, follow us on instagram @thebuntlive and check us out on facebook by liking our page The Bunt.