The Bunt Ft. Mike Mo Capaldi S14 Episode 11 “I’ve worn the same thing for 15 years”
1. Where’d You Come Up (14:28) 2. First Big Break (14:53) 3. First Trip With The Squad (19:22) 4. Switch Flip Back Noseblunt (19:55) 5. Fully Flared Part (25:42) 6. Switch Tre Captain Shuv (33:58) 7. No Handrails (38:40) 8. The One Gnarly Rail Trick (40:33) 9. DC to Lakai (42:37) 10. DC Life Perks 44:42) 11. 6 Foot Woodcracker (47:58) 12. The Arena (49:50) 13. Glassy Eyewear (52:28) 14: Post Skate Advice (54:23) 15. BTS Nollie Back Heel Switch Front Crook (1:00:52) 16. Double Bank Spot (1:02:53) 17. Snapping Out Of The Funk (1:07:04) 18. Skate Passion Into Golf (1:11:55) 19. What’s Next? (1:21:14) 20. Rapid Fire W/ Da Ghost (1:32:54) 21. Post Office (1:41:16) 22. The Rundown (2:04:12)