The Bunt Ft. Tom Karangelov S15 Episode 09 “We'd be partying, and I'd be holding his beers.".”
1. Where’d You Come Up (6:56) 2. First Big Break (7:46) 3. Zero Mentality (12:53) 4. The New Guy (15:47) 5. Parting Ways With Zero (18:17) 6. The Rise And Fall Of 3D (20:43) 7. Gravis Is Done (43:13) 8. The WKND Program (48:25) 9. Spot Hunting Obsession (54:43) 10. Ducks In Traffic (1:00:02) 11. Tom Knox Rescue Story (1:01:42) 12. BTS Gap To Nosegrind (1:07:42) 13: What’s Next? (1:14:45) 14. Rapid Fire W/ Da Ghost (1:16:56) 15. Post Office (1:30:31) 16. The Rundown (1:42:39)