The Bunt Ft. Wade Fyfe S17 Episode 04 “It was like I turned myself pro.”
1. Where’d You Come Up (5:27) 2. Mentors (7:55) 3. First Big Break (8:37) 4. Ottawa Scene (11:30) 5. BSC Part Call Out (13:36) 6. BTS Noseslide Airport Double-Kink (14:53) 7. Moving To Vancouver (16:2)0 8. U.S. Footy (18:37) 9. North Parts (21:29) 10. BTS Double-Kink In Montreal (23:40) 12. Portland Spill (26:10) 13. Full American AM (27:30) 14. Strangebrew Trailer (32:04) 15. 50-50 Bail (34:42) 16. The Last Part (38:04) 17. Studio Board (43:53) 18. Moving To Toronto (46:11) 19. What’s Next (49:50) 20. Rapid Fire w/ The Ghost (54:30) 21. Post Office (1:03:18) 22. The Rundown (1:27:19)