Jonathan Goldhill - 4th Generation Inheritor, Coach & Author of Disruptive Successor [The Business of Family]

Jonathan Goldhill is an Experienced Coach to Entrepreneurs and Family-Owned Businesses. He states that the dwindling chances of multigenerational success are due in large part to the issues unique to family businesses that are often wrapped up in a tightly woven knot of unspoken plans. In his new book DISRUPTIVE SUCCESSOR, Jonathan offers a proven framework and playbook for unwinding this knot, scaling up your business or planning your exit. Standout Quotes: "Perhaps all multi-generational businesses should have a family constitution, while we're naming secretaries and treasurers... why not name a historian?" – [Jonathan Goldhill] "There's no evil to money... it's the absence of instilling good values as to what the significance of that money means" – [Jonathan Goldhill] "There's a requirement of the older generation that if they're going to leave money to a younger generation that they provide some guardrails around it" – [Jonathan Goldhill] 96% of all business in the US are under a million dollars in revenue, and 64% of the GDP in the US is coming from family businesses. – [Jonathan Goldhill] "It takes time for one generation to let go and release and enjoy what they've built, and trust the next generation to grow it bigger and do it safely" – [Jonathan Goldhill] "I'm not in the business of family coaching, I'm in the families doing business coaching" – [Jonathan Goldhill] The hardest part I think of running businesses is managing the people and getting the right people in your company. – [Jonathan Goldhill] "There's a time for family, a time for business, and then there's time for the family business or the business of family where they overlap in between" – [Mike Boyd] "Life is hard work and if you're not working on yourself then nobody else is going to" – [Jonathan Goldhill] Key Takeaways: One of the downsides of being wealthy is that wealthy people can be very busy at the expense of spending time with children Jonathan emphasizes the importance of a family business archive as he explains he does not know exactly how his grandfather's family business was shut down. The blessing and curse of setting up a trust fund: there's lots of misinterpretation of younger generations when they inherit that wealth There's a requirement of the older generation that if they're going to leave money to a younger generation that they provide some guardrails around it. Jonathan explains that there is a generational gap with unspoken conversations between generations, and the families he knows had the best transitions communicated as peers. Business coaching is not about hitting a mass number of people, it's about the business of the family. If you're not having important conversations, then you're not building a healthy business. Hard work isn't always in the form of just long hours and physical toil, it comes from commitment and dedication to improve oneself and be better. Episode Timeline: [00:48] Introducing Jonathan Goldhill who shares some history of his grandfather's family business. [08:09] How exactly did the business end? [11:57] Jonathan describes one of his attempts at starting a new business and the challenges that effectively impeded the success of the business [16:08] The impact of wealth on Jonathan growing up [21:40] How did you take this formative experience from your own family to help other business families through their situations? [32:50] Who typically engages you; is it more of the successor generation or the boomers who have built the family business and are looking to hand over? [34:55] About Jonathan's book: "The Disruptive Successor" [41:10] The role of the different cultures in the family business [44:50] Defining "Family" [48:00] A letter from Jonathan to his kids *For more episodes go to * Sign up for The Business of Family Newsletter at Follow Mike on Twitter @MikeBoyd If you feel it's appropriate, I'd so appreciate you taking 30 seconds to Leave a Review on iTunes, I receive a notification of each review. Thank you!Special Guest: Jonathan Goldhill.Sponsored By:The Business of Family Newsletter: The newsletter compliments the podcast with subscriber-only articles, bonus content and a great list of book recommendations. <div> <input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="member[subscribe]" id="member_submit"> </div>Links:Goldhill Group | Certified Scaling Up Coach | Business Adviser — Connect with JonathanBook: Disruptive Successor: A Guide for Driving Growth in Your Family Business — Get Jonathan's new book on AmazonBook Website: Disruptive Successor — If you genuinely are a Disruptive Successor, you’ll have a different vision from that of your forebears.

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Mike Boyd interviews successful families and their advisors to learn how they steward their wealth across generations, managing succession issues to "keep it in the family". Very few family businesses do the work and even fewer make it beyond the third generation. Follow along to learn about family governance structures, family office investing, succession planning and raising happy, healthy and enterprising children of wealth. Learn more and subscribe: Follow Mike on Twitter: