EP389// Surprise! A Special Gift For Your Tween Girl: With Guest Linsey Driskill

Today you are in for a treat! Recently I connected with Linsey Driskill from the For Girls Like You company at MOMCON 2024 in Denver.  The For Girls Like You company is an amazing non-profit organization dedicated to minister and encourage tween girls.  Through a magazine specifically designed for tween girls, and so many other resources, For Girls Like You created spaces to encourage and equip tween girls to grow in their identity in Christ and to unfold their story within God’s greater story.  In this episode, Linsey will talk about the For Girls Like You company and the amazing resources they have for tween girls.  My daughter has enjoyed this magazine for years, so I am so excited to introduce you to this amazing organization.  Let’s dive in!    You can connect with For Girls Like You at:  Instagram: @ForGirlsLikeYou.com Website: ForGirlsLikeYou.com Contact Linsey: Linsey@forgirlslikeyou.com Special Discount Code: 20% off our magazine subscription and store: Moms2024 I pray this blesses you!MichellePS. If you need some extra accountability or help with productivity hacks, time management tools, mapping out a more efficient daily or weekly schedule, time blocking and so much more. We will break down what isn’t working in your schedule, create new personalized goals for you, and determine the next new steps you need to take to have more freedom and live with more joy and laughter!  Grab a coaching call with me at:Email: contact@byrdmichelle.comwebsite: www.byrdmichelle.comFree Productivity Planner - my gift to you! Just go to my websiteCome join our Facebook Group: Home Management for Working Moms - Organization & Time Management

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Having trouble fitting in a part time job and being a mom? Do you want to feel more balanced, but don’t know how? Are you sick of being overwhelmed and exhausted? Do you wish you had personalized systems that work for you and save time? In this podcast, you will find strategic, personalized systems that will work for you and set you free from overwhelm, stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and trying to balance it all. My mission is to equip you to have more time by using strategic time management tools, like time blocking, batching, routines, systems, and habits. To help you be more organized in your home and save you hours in your day. If you are ready to let go of the stress of trying to do it all, managing a part time job, and balancing being a mom, then you are in the right place my friend! Hey, I’m Michelle—a Christian mom of three fun kids, a wife, and a strategic time management coach. I used to feel overwhelmed trying to juggle it all, often putting my to-do list before time with my kids. Now, I’ve learned how to manage and timeblock my time to create margin, so I can say “yes” to my kids without guilt. I’m here to help other moms find peace and balance, manage their time, and be less overwhelmed. Ready for personalized strategic systems that work? Grab that lukewarm coffee, it’s time to jump in! Connect with me! website: www.byrdmichelle.com Instagram: thebusyvibrantmom.com email: coaching@byrdmichelle.com Facebook Group: The Busy Vibrant Mom Hang out with me in this community group of moms who don’t have it together either, but are on the same journey. Laugh, share, and be encouraged!