Ep. 22- Forrest Micke- Thoughtful Training Strategies, Jackpots and Reinforcement

The man himself, Forrest Micke, joins us! Forrest is known for his thoughtful training strategies and breaking skills down when training. He is well known in the dog sports world, especially within bite sports. Forrest shares his thoughts on reinforcement training, how to "jackpot" correctly and effectively, and how to even move away from reinforcement when achieving your training goals. There is so much information in this episode that you will probably need to listen to this two or three times to take it all in!To learn more about Forrest Micke and his work, click here to checkout his website! You can also check out his dog training products at Micke Wear and Dog Wurks.To learn more about Anthony De Marinis and Vinny Viola, visit their website's below.Anthony De MarinisWebsite https://demarinisdogtraining.comVinny ViolaWebsite https://www.caninejester.com

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Welcome to The Canine Classroom, a podcast for dog training professionals and dog enthusiasts, where we discuss training, behavior and everything in between! We are two friends and dog trainers who share a passion for dogs. We're constantly learning, exploring, and questioning each other's ideas, as well as our own, so we can become better at what we do. We are here to providing helpful advice, have open conversations, ask questions, get answers, as well as hear from colleagues and experts in the industry, regardless of method and training style.