E120: Aidan the cabin boy lands on Martinique, destined for... The Dawn Wall?

We managed to squeeze in an episode with Aidan after his Atlantic voyage but before his mega central American traversal. Just a big catch up really as we haven't spoken in a few weeks. If you're enjoying the podcast and would like to support us please consider checking out our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/user?u=70353823 Support the show

Om Podcasten

Aidan Roberts and Sam Prior host this climbing-themed podcast that kind of goes where it goes. Lots of tangents and rambles as well as hopefully thought provoking questions. Sometimes it's very focussed on climbing, sometimes climbing barely comes up. The guests tend to be elite level climbers, but we often willingly get lost in the weeds and end up wildly off-topic. If you're enjoying our podcast and would like to support it: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=70353823