E127: Stian Christophersen - Reducing time spent off the wall due to injury, injuries in general and the Climbing Bible

This week we have a bit of a font of knowledge joining us on the pod! Stian is a coach, a physio, a lecturer, a writer and a hard climber from Norway! He's climbed to a high level and he has been heavily involved in climbing injuries since becoming a physio. He's written a book that will hopefully help climbers be able to diagnose their own injuries and learn how to rehab them appropriately. As a psyched climber himself he understands that climbers are pretty desperate to be able to keep clim...

Om Podcasten

Aidan Roberts and Sam Prior host this climbing-themed podcast that kind of goes where it goes. Lots of tangents and rambles as well as hopefully thought provoking questions. Sometimes it's very focussed on climbing, sometimes climbing barely comes up. The guests tend to be elite level climbers, but we often willingly get lost in the weeds and end up wildly off-topic. If you're enjoying our podcast and would like to support it: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=70353823