169. The Key to Maximizing Your Impact

There is a key in scripture to maximizing your impact.Most of us know the parable of the talents and the sad ending of the servant who buried his master's talents in the sand.Have you ever really considered why that guy got such a harsh rebuke from the master?There is definitely more to this story (which we will explore in this episode), but more importantly, when you look closely, you uncover a hidden key to optimizing your own resources from God and investing your talents according to His w...

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When we encountered New Age philosophies in Life Coaching that ran counter to our Christian beliefs, we decided to take the best practices of Life Coaching and infuse them with the rich traditions of our Catholic Faith. We're Matt and Erin Ingold, Catholic coaches and the founders of Metanoia Catholic, our Catholic Life Coaching Company. Join us as we share practical coaching tips to being transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can be free to discover and choose your greatest calling in life.