Homeland Writer and Producer Gideon Raff and Director Ariel Vromen

Gideon Raff (Writer, Producer of Homeland) and Ariel Vromen (Director of The Iceman) join for a quick conversation at the gala event supporting the Let the Animals Live-Israel Organization. For more information, visit http://LetLive.org.il/eng and http://TheDinnerParty.tv .  We ask the question, "What do you stand for?" Gideon and Ariel discuss why the support animal welfare and being vegan. 

Om Podcasten

Host Elysabeth Alfano dishes and drinks with celebs on The Celebrity Dinner Party. What funny stories and inspirational insights do celebs and influencers have to share from their road to success? Over food and drink the unscripted conversation flow, as Alfano sits down with some of the most prominent chefs, actors, directors, musicians, comedians, politicians and sports figures to find out! Live streaming and filmed in front of an audience and viwers that shares in the food and conversation, The Celebrity Dinner Party with Elysabeth Alfano airs on Ch. 19, TiVO and WGN Plus. Check out the new Dinner Party web series from the Sunset Marquis in Los Angeles below.