Naughty or Nice 2023

Hallelujah! Holy sh!t! Where’s the Tylenol? This week, we’re checking it once, we’re checking it twice, and we’re going to talk about who’s been naughty, and who’s been nice in 2023. It's a combination of eight companies and individuals, so pour yourself an egg nog and enjoy. Just don't shoot your eye out!

Om Podcasten

Everything people and workforce—recruiting, marketing, technology, talent management, and workforce economics—delivered with biting sarcasm and unapologetic snark. Industry misfits Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman bring their no-holds-barred opinions to dissect news, trends, and the occasional dumpster fire. If you’re a hiring company, staffing firm, or vendor looking for insights (and a thick skin), these two won’t just tell you what’s happening—they’ll tell you why you’re probably doing it wrong. Buckle up, buttercup.