Ep#126| Hide & Seek, there is no truth in fear

Todd Kane is a father, entrepreneur, author, veteran, philanthropist and a transformative performance strategist for the LGBTQIA + Community and its allies.Todd has spent over 30 years developing the gifts and talents of creative people around the world. A proven leader of individuals and teams in both the military and private sector, Todd has mastered the transformative power of truth.As a leader, educator and artist at the highest level of industry Todd has served as a Captain in the United States Army deployed in theaters of operations around the world. He was a Director of Global Operations for an international manufacturing company and trained a national team of 300+ agents for an insurance powerhouse. As an educator, Todd has served as National Accounts Education Specialist for a global hair care and color company teaching 6000 professionals a year with his creativity and passion. He has also created and served as the Director of a international non-profit organization to conquer cancer.Todd’s accomplishments have been awarded and recognized both nationally and internationally and his works published over twenty times around the world. His multi-faceted background brings a unique perspective to personal growth and enlightenment. As a father of two, Todd acknowledges the privilege and responsibility to teach his children and others how to successfully navigate a world fooled by fear. Truth never loses its power, only its voice, therefore now is the time to be self-aware and full of integrity as we find, honor and CELEBRATE our truth. Some great takeaways from Todd:There's no truth in fear Fear is itself a box - bringing that box into the light will smash that boxThere's new normal every day if you choose to step out of our box Take time to pause Own the choices you've made Be honest to yourself - embrace your vulnerabilityWe're just people GRAB A COPY OF TODD’s BOOK“Hide & Seek: There's No Truth in Fear” Creating The Future From Now? Join Rúna & Nick Haines the co-creators for the #NoMoreBoxes Movement on their weekly Friday Calls with people worldwide who want to bring in more awareness and consciousness to the world. Click the button below to save your seat in their next out-of-the-box LIVE call. Create The Future From Now ______________________________________The Change Makers are doing a fundraiser for their #NoMoreBoxes Online Training and Collaboratory Center. A platform designed to teach you how to create safe space for deep-dive conversations that open up for the conscious and unconscious bias behaviours, placing ourselves and others into boxes, that places our focus on what separates us as human beings, not what unites us. Your help is highly appreciated.Just go to www.Patreon.com/NoMoreBoxes today! Or grab a copy of their book; The Story of Boxes, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. I want to connect with Runa MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MISS AN EPISODE OF THE CHANGE MAKERS PODCASTSUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL ON APPLE PODCAST, STITCHER or SPOTIFY  The Change Makers Podcast RSS Subscribe to The Change Makers Podcast Get the latest transformational out-of-the-box Leadership and Communications Tips, Insights, Tools & Stories from other change makers delivered directly to your inbox. First Name Last Name Email Address Sign Up We respect your privacy. Thank you for signing up!Please check your inbox!You should receive an email from support (att) runamagnus.com shortly, all you need to do is to click one more button and off we go!Only my best,Rúna

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The Change Makers Podcast is created for high-achievers, leaders who want to lead from the new paradigm of leadership. How to bring leadership beyond measures of masculine and feminine leadership style, bringing spotlight to making people shine their light the brightest. The Tips, Insights Tools & Stories designed to helping leaders to deal with old system collapsing and become the change they want to see in their world. This podcast is designed for you as a leader, leading a team, a business, an organisation, a community even a national leader. Look at the successful leaders you look up to, who have already been there you will be working with other people. The history tell us that leaders, like President Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Princess Diana had the ability to inspire and engage with other people in a way people felt connected to them. How do you do that? How do you keep yourself uplifted, motivated driving through challenging changes and on the top of things AND deal with all sorts of people working for you? Well, this is where The Change Makers come in. A group of world-class personal development teachers, transformational leaders come in. We are here to help leaders like yourself to soar. Having your back all the way. In The Change Makers Podcast we interview other changemakers, high-achievers who are making positive change in the world, asking them for their Tips, Insights Tools & Stories. We talk about their daily habits, how to find and honour their passions and purpose. How to keep people in your team motivated and highly engaging to their work?