Ep#96 | Taking the leap out of the box

Gloria Feldt is an acclaimed expert on women, power, and leadership with decades of frontline leadership experience, a bestselling author, and in-demand keynote speaker.She is cofounder and president of Take The Lead, whose mission reflects her life’s passion: to prepare, develop, inspire, and propel women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025 by providing breakthrough training, mentoring and coaching role modeling, and thought leadership. Its signature 50 Women Can Change the World program is an immersive version of her 9 Leadership Power Tools to Advance Your Career customized by industries for women in early career, midcareer, and executive levels.She is the bestselling author of four books; the latest is No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power, the research for which plus her own real world knowledge forms the core of Take The Lead’s programs.She is formerly president and CEO of the world’s largest reproductive health and advocacy organization, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, capping a 30-year career that included serving as CEO of affiliates in West Texas and Arizona as well as the national CEO. She was named by Vanity Fair one of “America’s Top 200 Women Leaders, Legends, and Trailblazers,” Glamour’s “Woman of the Year,” She Knows Media Inspiring Woman, Women’s eNews 21 Leaders for the 21st Century, Women Economic Forum Circle of Light award, Texas Monthly’s Texas 20, Martin Luther King Living the Dream Award, and Forbes 40 Over 40.She teaches “Women, Power, and Leadership” at Arizona State University. Feldt has been widely quoted and published, including by the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, The Daily Beast, Forbes, Fast Company, Time, Huffington Post, Glamour, Elle and Ms. She has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, the Today Show, Good Morning America and The Daily Show. She recently served on the board of the Women’s Media Center, the Jewish Women’s Archive, and Emerge America and remains on their honorary boards. She currently serves on the board of Women Connect 4 Good Foundation. She is a member of the New York Women’s Forum, the International Women’s Forum, and the World Academy of Art and Science and is an advisor to the ERA Coalition.Gloria is an awesome chili maker. She and her husband Alex Barbanell live in New York City and Scottsdale, Arizona; they share a combined family of six children and 15 grandchildren, so there is never a dull moment in their lives. She spends too much time on social media and invites you to connect with her there. Some great takeaways from Gloria:We have the power if we choose to use itWe have the responsibility to move ourselves and others with us forwardGo beyond your comfort zone - it'll get betterChange can be madeNothing happens by itself. People make things happenTake the lead to changeBreak gender stereotyping______________________________________The Change Makers are doing a fundraise for their #NoMoreBoxes Online Training and Collaboratory Center. A platform designed to teach you how to create safe space for a deep-dive conversations that open up for the conscious and unconscious bias behaviours, placing ourselves and others into boxes, that places our focus on what separates us as human beings, not what unites us. Your help is highly appreciated.Just go to www.Patreon.com/NoMoreBoxes today! GRAB A COPY OF GLORIA’S FAVORITE BOOKS“No Excuses” MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MISS AN EPISODE OF THE CHANGE MAKERS PODCASTSUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL ON APPLE PODCAST OR STITCHER  The Change Makers Podcast RSS Subscribe to The Change Makers Podcast Get the latest transformational out-of-the-box Leadership and Communications Tips, Insights, Tools & Stories from other change makers delivered directly to your inbox. First Name Last Name Email Address Sign Up We respect your privacy. Thank you!Please check your inbox for an email from me, Rúna Magnúsdóttir. Inside that email is a link to verify your subscription.Looking forward to having you onboard.My bestRuna

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The Change Makers Podcast is created for high-achievers, leaders who want to lead from the new paradigm of leadership. How to bring leadership beyond measures of masculine and feminine leadership style, bringing spotlight to making people shine their light the brightest. The Tips, Insights Tools & Stories designed to helping leaders to deal with old system collapsing and become the change they want to see in their world. This podcast is designed for you as a leader, leading a team, a business, an organisation, a community even a national leader. Look at the successful leaders you look up to, who have already been there you will be working with other people. The history tell us that leaders, like President Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Princess Diana had the ability to inspire and engage with other people in a way people felt connected to them. How do you do that? How do you keep yourself uplifted, motivated driving through challenging changes and on the top of things AND deal with all sorts of people working for you? Well, this is where The Change Makers come in. A group of world-class personal development teachers, transformational leaders come in. We are here to help leaders like yourself to soar. Having your back all the way. In The Change Makers Podcast we interview other changemakers, high-achievers who are making positive change in the world, asking them for their Tips, Insights Tools & Stories. We talk about their daily habits, how to find and honour their passions and purpose. How to keep people in your team motivated and highly engaging to their work?