#19: Digital Assessments Revisited—How Gamification & AI Can Effectively Reduce Bias

This week we welcome Bas van de Haterd back to the podcast (our first repeat guest!). Bas proudly identifies as a “professional snoop” — a title that captures his more than 15 years of experience as an HR consultant, candidate assessment and experience expert, and frequent conference speaker. Topics include: the problems with using questionnaire-based assessments in recruiting, why game-based assessments are more accurate for testing cognitive skills and assessing personality traits, the difference between conscious and unconscious “bias” in candidate self-perceptions, how our frame of reference influences our perceptions of ourselves, how pre-screening technology can reduce bias in assessing job candidates, the parallels between assessing “chemistry” in romantic relationships vs. business relationships, the meaning and implications of application order bias, how pre-selection technologies can help reduce application order bias, the difference between true AI and “explainable” AI, the concerns about relying on AI to make “black box” recruiting decisions, and how using employee performance data to predict future-

Om Podcasten

From generative AI, to DEI, the talent acquisition space has arguably never experienced a time of greater change. How will emerging technologies shape the recruiter and candidate experiences in the years to come? How is employer branding evolving from a “tactic” to a strategic asset that delivers value across the entire talent lifecycle? And what are the implications of all of this for making smart, data-driven decisions with limited advertising budgets?Each week we tackle these big questions and more with the industry’s leading voices as our guests. The Changing State of Talent Acquisition Podcast invites you to go beyond the same tired generalist voices and topics typical of “legacy” HR media and explore what emerging voices and unconventional thought leaders are saying about this dynamic time in our industry.