#47: 2023 Talent Trends – Skills-Based Hiring, Employer Branding, and the Rise of AI in Making Layoff Decisions

Co-hosts Graham and Marty return for The Changing State of Talent Acquisition Season 3 debut. They share how the agency business has evolved in the past year and discuss key trends that will shape the talent acquisition landscape in 2023 and beyond.Topics include: Skills-based hiring, how automation can improve the hiring process, approaches to measuring the ROI of an employer brand, how strong employer brands create efficiencies in recruiting, the rising importance of retention in a tight labor market, and how organizations are utilizing AI to make layoff decisions Articles ReferencedAI Is Starting To Pick Who Gets Laid OffAptitude Research: 2023 HR Technology Trends and Predictions

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From generative AI, to DEI, the talent acquisition space has arguably never experienced a time of greater change. How will emerging technologies shape the recruiter and candidate experiences in the years to come? How is employer branding evolving from a “tactic” to a strategic asset that delivers value across the entire talent lifecycle? And what are the implications of all of this for making smart, data-driven decisions with limited advertising budgets?Each week we tackle these big questions and more with the industry’s leading voices as our guests. The Changing State of Talent Acquisition Podcast invites you to go beyond the same tired generalist voices and topics typical of “legacy” HR media and explore what emerging voices and unconventional thought leaders are saying about this dynamic time in our industry.